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Internship Programs in Italy

Internship Programs in Italy to learn Italian language while working

Internship Programs in Italy

Develop your professional skills while studying Italian


There is nothing better than spending a study-stay abroad to develop your professional skill in an internship abroad; if the internship is in Italy, even better! Not only you can build your professional skills in one area of excellence in the Italian industry, but you can also take the opportunity to become fluent in Italian!

Experit Intership In Italy: learning italian while working

The internship programs in Italy offered by SI-Studiare Italiano schools will give you the possibility to get trained in one of the most valuable and required professions: craftsmanship, shoe-making, leather-working, furniture restoration, wood-working, tailoring, jewelry, mosaic, gilding, ceramics, fine art restoration, industrial design, fashion, architecture and interior design, food and wine, hotel and tourist industry. Italy represents the EXCELLENCE in all these fields, and an internship in Italy in one of these fields will shine on your Curriculum Vitae! The worldwide known quality of the Made in Italy industry will enormously enrich your CV!

Most of the companies that will host your internship are family-run businesses. This way, you will get familiar with some of the most appreciated qualities in our manufacturing sectors: flexible approach, multi-tasking attitude, and problem-solving mindset in your job position. These skills are highly valued by all employers worldwide and are essential skills if you want to start your own business in the future.

Don’t miss out on the opportunity to spend 12 weeks in our internship programs in Italy!

PROGRAM PRICE: 3600.00 €

Intership Program in Italy with Si Studiare Italiano to learn Italian while working


12-weeks (240 lessons) intensive Italian language course in Rome, Florence, Milan, Taormina or Venice.
12-weeks internship in Florence (Tuscany) and Rome (Lazio). Maximum 32 hours per week. The internship schedule will depend on the company requirements.
Selection of the organization where the internship will take place.
Meeting and interview with the internship manager within the chosen company.
Mentoring and evaluation every two weeks throughout the internship.
Help in requesting a residence permit.
• Accident insurance covering internship premises and third-party civil liability insurance.
Certificate of participation for Italian language course and internship.

Don’t hesitate to get in touch with us for further information.

