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Italian grammar

5 skills to improve Italian conversing

5 tips to improve your Italian conversational skills

Improving one’s ability to have a dialogue in a foreign language requires two different skills – comprehension and articulation – to hear and to speak. In order for a conversation to go well, it is necessary to not only focus on what you want to say, but also to understand what the other person is saying. By making mistakes, we learn The first piece of… Read More »5 tips to improve your Italian conversational skills

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If we ask a student of Italian what their goals and interests are regarding language study they will almost always answer “to converse”. If you are also one of them perhaps you might be interested in these thoughts and suggestions for improving your Italian. The fact that most students want to “converse” is not surprising because it is one of the most important activities in… Read More »SOME TIPS TO IMPROVE YOUR ITALIAN: SPEAKING 

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SOME TIPS TO IMPROVE YOUR ITALIAN: LISTENING                                    

Language is music, not math! More than often we tend to think that learning Italian or any other foreign language should follow a mathematical model in which, having learned all the rules of grammar, the result is the ability to understand and communicate in the language studied. Nothing could be more wrong! Let us think for a moment: how did we learn our mother tongue?… Read More »SOME TIPS TO IMPROVE YOUR ITALIAN: LISTENING                                    
